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Update: SteuerSparErklärung 2017 Lite (Finance)


SteuerSparErklärung 2017 Lite 22.31

Device: Mac OS
Category: Finance
Price: Free, Version: 22.29 -> 22.31 (iTunes)


Schnell & einfach zur Steuererklärung für das Steuerjahr 2016

Erstellen Sie schnell, leicht verständlich und mit maximaler Steuererstattung Ihre Steuererklärung 2016. Die Software führt Sie im Frage-Antwort-Stil durch die Steuererklärung und Sie haben jederzeit im Blick, wie viel Steuererstattung Sie zu erwarten haben. Für eine maximale Erstattung werden automatisch Optimierungen vorgenommen und Sie werden auf Fehler hingewiesen.

In dieser FREE-Version können Sie die wesentlichen Funktionen der Software KOSTENLOS nutzen um beispielsweise Ihre Steuererstattung zu berechnen. Möchten Sie Ihre Steuererklärung dann abschließen - also ausdrucken oder per ELSTER ans Finanzamt versenden - wandeln Sie die FREE-Version ganz einfach in die kostenfplichtige Vollversion um. Leichter geht es nicht!

Mit der SteuerSparErklärung werden jährlich mehr als 1 Million Steuererklärungen erstellt. Profitieren Sie von über zwei Jahrzehnten Erfahrung in der Steuersoftware-Entwicklung.

Mit der FREE-Version können Sie:
• Eigene Steuerfälle anlegen und abspeichern
• Ihren Steuerfall prüfen lassen
• Viele Anlagen und Ergebnisse am Bildschirm ansehen
• Online-Updates durchführen
• Mitgelieferte Musterfälle laden und bearbeiten

Einschränkungen gegenüber der Vollversion:
• Keine Druckmöglichkeit – eine Vorschau der meisten Dokumente am Bildschirm ist möglich
• Keine elektronische Steuererklärung (ELSTER)
• Keine Musterbriefe
• Keine zusätzlichen Rechner und Tools zur Steuerplanung
• Kein elektronischer SteuerKompass mit Tipps zur Steuererklärung
• Keine automatische Datenübernahme

Neben der einfachen Erstellung und Optimierung der Einkommensteuererklärung hilft Ihnen die SteuerSparErklärung auch bei diesen Themen:
• Gewinnermittlung: Erfassung von Einnahmen und Ausgaben mit automatischer Erstellung von Umsatz- und Gewerbesteuererklärung
• Vorläufige Gewinnermittlung mit elektronischer Umsatz- und Lohnsteueranmeldung 2017
• Speichern und organisieren Sie Ihre Belege (Rechnungen, Kassenzettel, Bewirtungsbelege etc.) und verknüpfen Sie die Belege direkt mit den Eingabefeldern.
• Abgeltungsteuer: Ist die Abgabe der Anlage KAP für Kapitalerträge für Sie von Vorteil?
• Abholung des elektronischen Steuerbescheids (über ELSTER) zur Prüfung von evtl. Fehlern seitens des Finanzamts
• Steuerklassenempfehlung für eine höhere Lohnsteuer-Ermäßigung im Folgejahr inkl. Antrag auf Steuerklassenwechsel und Lohnsteuerermäßigung
• Einheitliche und gesonderte Feststellung 2016 für Gemeinschaften
• Prognose und Vorwegerfassung für die Steuererklärung des nächsten Jahres

What's New

· Optimierungen beim VaSt-Abrufservice
· Verschiedene Anpassungen für den ELSTER-Versand
· Außergewöhnliche Belastungen: Verbesserungen beim Unterhalt Bedürftiger, Umsetzung BFH-Urteil zur Berechnung zumutbarer Belastung
· Werbungskosten Einkommensteuer: Umsetzung FG-Urteil zu Kosten Einrichtung der Wohnung, Anpassungen bei der Umzugskostenpauschale bei Beendigung doppelter Haushaltsführung und beim gemeinsamen Arbeitszimmer bei Ehegatten
· Kapitalerträge, Veräußerungsgewinne: Anpassungen Benutzerführung und Berechnungsanlage
· Sonderausgaben: Zeile 47 Vorsorge, kein Versand per ELSTER Wahlleistung ohne Zustimmung
· Vermietung & Verpachtung: Verbesserung Eingabehilfe zur Gebäudeabschreibung bei einer Ferienwohnung
· Vorsorgeaufwendungen: Korrektur Eingabehilfe § 22 Nr. 5 EStG
· Feststellungserklärung: Erfassung Bundesland bei der Wohnanschrift des Unternehmers
· Gewinnermittlung: Verbesserungen bei der privaten Kfz-Nutzung, Anzeige der Belegnummer bei WG im Journal, Anpassung Anlage zu den Betriebsausgaben (Eigene Positionen)

SteuerSparErklärung 2017 Lite

Update: Warspear Online — 2D MMO RPG (Games)


Warspear Online — 2D MMO RPG 6.5.2

Device: Mac OS
Category: Games
Price: Free, Version: 6.5.0 -> 6.5.2 (iTunes)


Warspear Online – the classic 2D MMORPG with millions of players from all over the world!
Bestowed the award of “Best MMO RPG game” in 2015 by «BEST APP EVER AWARDS»!
Download the game and all updates for free!

Choose your side in the War of the Spear. Lead your army to battle in open PvP, stand shoulder to shoulder with your friends to defeat devious dungeon dwellers and obtain the title of Strongest Arena Warrior! There’s no time to wait – you must act!

Create a hero
- 4 races and 2 alliances: Firstborn and Chosen vs. Mountain Clans and Forsaken
- Blade Dancer, Ranger, Druid, Paladin, Priest, Mage, Barbarian, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock, Necromancer and Death Knight
- 80+ expert skills for personal builds
- 40+ relics for adding effects to basic skills
- Character customization: costumes, decorative items, haircuts, hair colours
- 9 crafting professions for creating unique armor, weapons and accessories
- 150+ personal achievements with unique rewards, rating top-1000, sharing on Facebook
- Loyal Minions to help you in battles

Fight with enemies
- Battle zones for free PvP-battles, friendly duels
- Arenas of 2х2, 3x3 and 5x5
- Massive battles for territories between Alliances fought regularly
- Regular dynamic event "Chaos Invasion" on Irselnort
- Thousands of monsters and hundreds of dangerous bosses

Explore a huge world
- 8 huge islands
- Dozens of Dungeons with treasures
- 1,500+ original quests and hundreds of daily ones
- Monthly updates: new quests, territories, dungeons, skills, achievements, decorative items, equipment

Play with your friends
- Unite in Guilds and groups
- Take part in tournaments, events and Arinar holiday celebrations
- Communicate in chats, trade and exchange goods

Massive update “Engineer’s Madness”! Top character’s level was increased by 28, above Ayvondil appeared vast islands with new raid boss Engineer and abandoned dungeons of Technopolis. New quests, craft tasks, achievements, weapons, equipment and many more! Adventures continue!

Website: http://warspear-online.com
Forum: http://forum.warspear-online.com
Facebook: https://facebook.com/warspear

What's New

Welcome Warspear Online 6.5 update! Huge changes are coming and new challenges are waiting for you!

- gold dropping from killed monsters
- character recovery through the game menu
- new items at the Arena Supplier: weapons and equipment of level 25, Gladiator’s chest with new PvP skills, PvP minions and costumes
- 2 new maps in the Temple of Seals
- maximum level of all craft professions increased to 20, new unique weapons of 26 level
- replacing a rare craft job with any of your choice

Warspear Online — 2D MMO RPG

Update: MindupPro:BigDataManagement (Productivity)


MindupPro:BigDataManagement 2.0.27

Device: Mac OS
Category: Productivity
Price: Free, Version: 2.0.26 -> 2.0.27 (iTunes)


MindUp.Pro is an efficient mind mapping App. It can help you focus on your target in fullscreen mode or cooperate with other software in split view mode, new function provided by OS X EI Capitan.

MindUp.Pro can present your contents just like keynote or powerpoint but in mind map style ( try to press ? on the keyboard after running the App ).

* Text/Image/Attachment/Math/Radial/Bracket/Sticker thought creation
* Multi_line thought breaks to single_line thoughts
* Merging thoughts to be a multi_line thought
* Import a map to be a branch of current focused thought
* Export the branch of current focused thought to a new map
* Bookmark/viewmark for fast moving of the cursor instead of only clicking on thought to set the cursor.
* Mark each node on screen in view mark mode by a char or a string , Then type the char or string and press 'return' key finally to move cursor to the thought with the typed mark char or string.
* Thought Attribute or SubText Attribute in a thought setting
* Export to PDF/PNG/JPG/SVG
* Export to tex file, which can be compiled by pdflatex or xelatex to generate a pdf file. It's very helpful in writing paper or book: preparing your manuscript by Mindup.Pro, exporting to latex file (including images and math equations), then generating the corresponding paper or book using latex or xelatex.
* Searching even if it's folded
* Load/Save map from/to MongoDB; Sync to MongoDB when opening a file if it's new; each operation synced to MongoDB.
* Presentation mode present contents as Keynote or PowerPoint but in MindMap way ( try ? after running the App )
* Multi_thought copy/paste among Tabs
* Ctrl_Shift_N connect/disconnect to MongoDB
* Ctrl_Command_v paste image from clipboard
* Ctrl_Shift_H/J/K/L select substring in editing mode
* Drill Up: show current selected thought with its children only by Command_d
* Undo/Redo ( Command_u/Command_r) : works on all necessary operations ( such as deletion, cut/paste, copy/paste, modification, property setting, thought creation, merge/split, etc)
* Click_Drag on a non-highlighted thought in view mode to move highlighted nodes or copy highlighted nodes by control key down or merge highlighted nodes to non-highlighted thought by shift key down
* Zoom in/out by shortcut z/Z on image dialog poped up by right click on image thought
* Ctrl_Command_f to fullscreen window; Shift_Command_f to maximized window

* Sticker Thought: a single thought floating over the map and sticking on window.
- Clicking on map blank area or pressing shortcut s in normal mode to create a new sticker thought.
- Delete by shortcut Shift_D.
- Modify by shortcut i.
- Move by mouse button click and drag, It will be set as a child of the node it is moved on if Key_Command is not pressed down when button released.
- Command_Ctrl_h to hide/show stickers

What's New

* open mindmap file from Finder by double clicking


Price Drop: Pamplona Smash (Games)


Pamplona Smash 1.1.0

Device: Mac OS
Category: Games
Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.1.0 (iTunes)


Be the star of the famous San Fermin 'Running with the Bulls' festival in Spain. Be the Bull!

Charge round Pamplona and power up the Smash meter by knocking the runners out of the way. A hat will give you a single chance and filling the smash meter will let you become 'invincibull'.

It's game over if you hit an obstacle, wall or the smash meter empties. Go the furthest distance you can by smashing your way through the Pamplona streets!

Simple addictive fun!

Follow us on Twitter @Raya_MC to catch the latest games, offers and tips!

Pamplona Smash

New: Ghost Files: The Face of Guilt (Games)


Ghost Files: The Face of Guilt 1.0

Device: Mac OS
Category: Games
Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)



Step into the shoes of Emily Meyer from Boston PD to face the mysterious case of 10 homicides. Using only your own experience and professional investigation techniques you will follow the hot trail of the serial killer known to the public as “The Guilty Man”. You are on the brink of solving this case when suddenly someone tries to derail your case.

Unlock the game to own it forever!

The people of Boston are shocked by the recent series of mysterious murders and you are given a task of bringing the culprit to justice as fast as possible. As the police detective Emily Meyer you are facing the task of solving the case of a mysterious “Guilty Man”.
Using police techniques, you will follow the trail of the suspect while solving riddles and collecting fingerprints as well as different samples from crime scenes. When your investigation unexpectedly leads to the place between life and death, you will face the biggest challenge of your life.
Will your detective skills be enough to let you survive in the afterlife? Can you solve the case? Test yourself in the world of ghosts, dark riddles, locks and enigmas. Use the help of a psychic to find your way back to the world and solve the case of the serial killer.

• Solve the case of 10 murders!
• Use the professional lab to track down the culprit!
• Face the unforgettable adventure in the afterlife!
• Find out if you can deal with ghosts and magic!
• Discover dark secrets in an extra adventure!

The Secret Order 5: The Buried Kingdom
Lost Grimoires 2: Shard of Mystery
Queen's Quest 2: Stories of Forgotten Past
Faces of Illusion: The Twin Phantoms
Endless Fables: The Minotaur's Curse

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WWW: http://artifexmundi.com
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PINTEREST: http://pinterest.com/artifexmundi
INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/artifexmundi

Ghost Files: The Face of Guilt

New: Hidden Objects - Mystery Mansion (Games)


Hidden Objects - Mystery Mansion 1.0

Device: Mac OS
Category: Games
Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Find hidden objects in this garden mystery! No time for hide and seek. No time for 'Where is my stuff?'! It is up to you to solve the mysteries in this hidden object adventure and find all the missing objects!
Do you have what it takes?

What are hidden object games?
In hidden objects games you typically have to find objects which have gone missing under mysteries circumstances. They can be hidden in the garden or in a house for example.

How do you play hidden garden mystery games?
It is no hide and seek game. The hidden objects are mostly right before your eyes! The game tells you which mystery to solve and you have to find the hidden object. THAT'S IT!

Are the hidden objects playing hide and seek with you again? Is it a mystery to you to find an object in all my stuff? If you recognize yourself. Download this fun hidden object game now!

If you like games like 'Hidden Worlds', 'Hidden Object - Mystery Venue', 'Adventure. Hidden objects', 'Hidden Crimes of CSI', 'House Secrets Hidden Objects', 'Hidden Object Mystery Guardian', 'Hidden Object Home Makeover 2', 'Home Makeover 3 Hidden Object' or 'Mystery Hidden Objects' you will love this game!

Thanks for reading.


Hidden Objects - Mystery Mansion

New: Brain Puzzle (Games)


Brain Puzzle 1.0

Device: Mac OS
Category: Games
Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Test your brain with addictive games in Brain Puzzle FREE, a collection of the most engaging and addictive mind puzzles. We not only offer one type of brain exercises, but many logic problems, memory boosts, and mental games all in one app. Play labyrinth, unblock, memory games, and many more. We continue to add more games so you will never run out of awesome mind puzzles to play. Engage in brain wars with your friends and see who’s the genius!

Everyone loves brain training and brain exercises as time killer activity nowadays. These brain exercises help to train your brain to improve concentration and focus so you can be a true genius. However, most apps only offer one type of game each. Brain Puzzle FREE is different because we provide the best MIND PUZZLES all in ONE APP. We also continue to add more and more logic problems and games so you will never get bored.

At first, you can access some of our easier games: labyrinth, memory boost, and find items. Then after you play these brain teaser games, you will get some Zolds. Use the Zolds to unlock even more addictive and exciting brain exercises. Some of them will have similar gameplay and some will require more focus and concentration. Our Unblock game, for example: requires great logic skills.

~~~ Best Features of Brain Puzzles FREE – Brain Teaser and Mental Games: ~~~

•All our games are FREE to play. There’s no need to pay to enjoy our time killer games.
•Train your brain with various brain exercises and brain training activities.
•Collect Zold and unlock more awesome logic problems and mind puzzles to play.
•Clear instruction for each game.
•Retina Supported display and attractive and colorful graphic.
•Great activities to improve logic, focus, and concentration for kids and adults.
•Increasing difficulty to keep you challenged.
•Many more games coming soon!

Some of the best puzzles that are included in the game are:

Tilt your phone to move the ball to let it escape from the labyrinth.

Open cards and pair similar cards to remove them from the board.

Swipe the blocks t make way for a block to escape the board.

Find items by seeing its silhouettes within time limits.

Find the right way through the maze through memorization.

There are many ways to improve your logic, focus, and concentration. There are also various brain training and brain exercises activities out there. But why choose the boring ways when there are more fun and addictive ways to do it? The best part of our games is that you can replay and replay them again to get better result and even achieve the perfect 3 stars! The more you play, the more Zold you accumulate and the more games you can unlock.
Brain Puzzle FREE is also great for kids. We don’t have inappropriate content so you can allow your kids to play our games. Let them have fun and become a genius at the same time!

Brain Puzzle

New: Copia (Productivity)


Copia 1.0

Device: Mac OS
Category: Productivity
Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Copia is a smart and elegant clipboard manager for Mac.
Copia remembers every time you copy something so that you can re-use it later on.

Every clip you copy is represented by an item in the History. Any content is recognizable at a glance.

Copia displays your clips in an elegant way and reveals the related information with grace.

Copia interface is designed to be at your side without being intrusive. Content previews are flexible and dynamically sized.

Plain text, RTF, RTFD, images, colors, files, links, all presented in a consistent and recognizable way. Paste and Share are just a click away.

Copia shows you what you need to see to and gets you to the right content lightning fast.

Copia creates beautiful, elegant and compact previews of your content so that navigating the user interface will always be a pleasure.

No big windows or weird panels, a vertical searchable list with elegant and compact previews. Copia does not invade your desktop, it plays nicely with it.

• Favorites to save and quickly access your most important clips
• Touch Bar controls to take advantage of the latest Apple technologies
• Lots of shortcuts. Control every action from your keyboard
• Clip editable title to organize and classify every clip
• Light theme for the 9-to-5 heroes, dark theme for the night lovers
• Filter and exclude contents that you don’t care about or don’t need
• Blacklist to protect your sensible data from being recorded
• Find the clip you are looking for with our instant search

Dark theme, colorful selection, remove text formatting and paste in active application require an In-App Purchase to be unlocked.

We love feedbacks, so do not hesitate to contact us and tell us what you think about Copia.
Mail: copia@dollaropath.com
Twitter: @CopiaMac
“Contact Us...” from the app menu item


New: Video Editor MovieMator – Movie & Film Maker! (Video)


Video Editor MovieMator – Movie & Film Maker! 2.1.0

Device: Mac OS
Category: Video
Price: Free, Version: 2.1.0 (iTunes)


2 years in the making, Video Editor MovieMator has finally become a simple but powerful free video editing software. It not only allows users to do all the basic editing work such as trimming, cropping, splitting, rotating, merging and more, but also provides unlimited video and audio tracks. With the built-in transition and professional-looking filters, Video Editor MovieMator can help users create short videos easily.
Video Editor MovieMator is committed to providing the most intuitive and easiest way for video editing. Real-time preview feature ensures what you see is what you get, and even video editing beginners can quickly get started and freely edit videos as they want. Making movies has never been easier! It fully supports all media formats like 4K UltraHD, H.265, MP3, OGG, JPG, SVG, etc. and optimized for the decoding of different formats, which significantly improved the decoding speed and quality.

Edit Videos/Aduios/Images to Movies with Creativity
• Unlimited video tracks and audio tracks help users handle all projects.
• Switch the visibility of the current track to easily preview specific track elements.
• Trim / Merge / Split / Crop / Rotate video clips of any format.
• Transition and various video filters are available.
• Support volume adjustment and various audio filters to create perfect sound effect.
• Create Fast/Slow-motion video by adjusting the playing speed as you like.
• Set fade in/out time for videos and audios with freedom.
• Customize the content/color/size/position of text to create personalized subtitles.
• Mute the original audio with one-click to easily change the background music of videos.
• Precise control over all video, audio and image frame by frame.

Fully Support Media Files of Any Type
• Import all videos/photos shot by iPhone 6s, GoPro, camcorder or other devices.
• Support videos/images downloaded from Facebook, Instagram, Flickr and more sites.
• Support videos with voiceover that recorded by any screen recording software.
• Support all popular video/audio/image formats: MP4, AVI, MPEG, WMV, MKV, MPG, RMVB, M4V, 3GP, FLV, TS, M4V, VOB, F4V, MP3, WAV, MKA, OGG, FLAC, AAC, JPG, PNG, TIF, BMP, SVG...
• Work natively with a broad range of formats including ProRes, RED, XAVC, AVCHD, H.264 from DSLR and more.

Extremely Intuitive and Friendly Interactive Operation
• The interface of MovieMator is intuitive and all features are clear at a glance.
• Easy-to-use cut, copy, and paste operations.
• Hide, mute, and lock video track and audio track with one-click.
• Arrange and Trim all elements (videos/audios/images) on the timeline by dragging and dropping.
• Real-time preview feature ensures what you see is what you get.

Powerful Project Preservation and Video Output Capability
• Incredibly fast export of HD videos in 200+ media formats for playback on all devices.
• Customize output parameters like resolution, frame rate, aspect ratio, encoding and etc.
• Save the file as a project for direct editing next time.
• Auto save the project when the window is closed unexpectedly.

Note: Video Editor MovieMator is designed to create short videos quickly. Users can export videos up to 5 minutes. One default transition and several filters (fade in, fade out, Text, Resize, Rotate, Volume,Crop. ) are available in Video Editor MovieMator. If you want to export videos of any length with numerous transition and filter effects, please upgrade to Video Editor MovieMator Pro.

Key Features of Video Editor MovieMator Pro:
1. 40+ built-in filter effects supported by KeyFrame animation technique: Text, Blur, Old Film, Sharpen, Stabilize, Vignette, White Balance...
2. 20+ stunning transitions: Dissolve, Iris Circle, Clock Top, Cut, Bar Vertical...
3. Export videos of any length.

Any suggestion will be highly appreciated. Support email: market@effectmatrix.com

Video Editor MovieMator – Movie & Film Maker!

Update: Devslopes: Learn Programming & App Development (Education)


Devslopes: Learn Programming & App Development 1.2.2

Device: Mac OS
Category: Education
Price: Free, Version: 1.2.1 -> 1.2.2 (iTunes)


Devslopes is the most affordable and effective way to learn iOS development, web development, game development, and app design.

Think of Devslopes as a coding bootcamp that fits in your pocket, but for a fraction of the cost!

◆ What you’ll learn:

- iOS Development
- Swift Programming
- Protocol Oriented Programming
- App Design With Sketch
- Angular 2
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- Unity 3D
- Game development
- Objective-C
- Firebase

◆ How it works:

- Sign up for free
- Unlock a course with coins (we give you some!)
- Build real-world apps (we don’t do code editors!)
- Download graphics, audio, and source code for each project
- Watch videos & take quizzes to earn more coins
- Visit our chatroom for live discussion/help
- Use AirPlay to stream video to your Apple TV
- Watch over 300 hours of video content!

We use video based tutorial learning to take you from absolute beginner to competent developer on a guided learning path.

You can follow the guided learning path or pick and choose other mini courses.

As you finish lessons and take quizzes you can earn coins which can be used to unlock more courses!

The best part is we are continually updating the app with new features and new learning material!

What's New

What's new:
•Updated User Profile layout
•No longer signing user out upon updating app
•Minor Bug Fixes

Devslopes: Learn Programming & App Development

Update: OmniPlan 3 (Business)


OmniPlan 3 3.7.2

Device: Mac OS
Category: Business
Price: Free, Version: 3.7.1 -> 3.7.2 (iTunes)


OmniPlan: Project planning made painless. Free 2-week trial.

OmniPlan is designed to help you visualize, maintain, and simplify your projects. Break down tasks, optimize the required resources, control costs, and monitor your entire plan—all at a glance. Collaborate with your colleagues and share every detail, update a calendar with your days off, or mix and match. Accept and reject changes one-by-one or all in one go. OmniPlan provides features like Gantt charts, network diagrams, schedules, summaries, milestones, and critical path highlighting to let you manage projects that are as simple or complex as you need them to be—without the complexity.


With the free two week trial, you can try all of the features of Standard and Pro without buying anything. After the trial, you can continue to use OmniPlan to view documents for free.


• Network View [NEW!]: Quickly create network diagrams by connecting task nodes based on their interdependent relationships, so you can see the big picture without sweating the small stuff.
• Task View: Add groups, tasks, and milestones while defining important details in the work breakdown outline and watch OmniPlan transform the timeline of your project into a beautiful Gantt chart.
• Smart Scheduling: With two clicks, OmniPlan will analyze and schedule tasks on-the-fly for maximum efficiency, all while keeping your resource schedules and priorities in mind.
• Filtering: Hide unnecessary project details so you can focus on work that matters right now.
• Multiple Baselines: Take snapshots of your schedule, then compare them as your project progresses to make sure you're still on track.
• Split Tasks: Split up your current task and move the remaining work to the future.
• Violation Resolution: If your schedule has a logical impossibility, OmniPlan will find it and suggest the best course of action to restore order.
• Critical Path: Flip a switch to highlight tasks that have the biggest impact on your deadline.
• Exporting: OmniPlan documents can be exported as PDF, CSV, OmniOutliner, OmniGraffle, ICS, and more.


• Multi-Project Dashboard [NEW!]: Assemble a beautiful dashboard to review your projects at a glance, and see how busy or idle every team member is across all of them.
• Earned Value Analysis [NEW!]: Time is money! Measure progress at any point in the project and forecast its completion date and final cost, without having to remember all of those EVA formulas.
• Auto-Effort Estimation [NEW!]: Let OmniPlan assign your best and worst estimates to account for every scenario.
• Monte Carlo Simulation [NEW!]: Run multiple simulations in seconds to forecast milestone completion dates with varying levels of confidence.
• Microsoft Project Import/Export: Open Microsoft Project® 2013 or earlier documents directly in OmniPlan and export to Project 2013.
• HTML Reports: Generate project reports with a single click! We've created gorgeous, customizable HTML templates that are dressed to impress at your next status meeting.
• Publish & Subscribe: Sync your entire project to the Omni Sync Server or to your own WebDAV server. Make changes to your project and sync to see those from your collaborators.
• Change Tracking: Keep tabs on and review the changes you've made in your project so far. If you're syncing, use change tracking to review, browse, and then accept or reject changes task by task or en masse from your collaborators.
• AppleScript support: Create AppleScript shortcuts for complex tasks and automate the things you do over and over.

For video tutorials and other information, please visit our website!

If you have any feedback or questions, we'd love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support: you can reach us by email at omniplan@omnigroup.com, by phone at 1-800-315-6664 or +1 206-523-4152, or on twitter at @omniplan.

Thank you!

What's New

OmniPlan 3.7.2 is a minor update focused on bug fixes.

Recent Changes:

• Filtering — Fixed a bug that could prevent filters from saving values for effort, duration, and variance.
• Filtering — OmniPlan no longer allows attempting to sort a filtered flat list.
• Import — Tasks imported from .ooutline files now import in the correct order.
• Inspectors — Restored “0” place holder value to lead/lag field.
• Localizations — The in-app Help is once again localized.
• Microsoft Project Import — Fixed a regression in our Microsoft Project import tool that could cause some .mpp files to fail to import.
• Localizations — Dashboards are fully localized again.
• Network View — Fixed a bug that caused some variables not to update correctly in Network view.
• Performance — Improved Inspector performance when switching between tasks in a large OmniPlan project.
• Resources — OmniPlan now cleans up references to resources that no longer exist in a file (these references could cause OmniPlan to hang or crash).
• Scheduling — Resource leveling no longer ignores project non-working days.
• Scheduling — Tasks now immediately reschedule to a resource’s next working period after a resource is assigned.
• Scheduling — “Resources Work Independently” once again correctly respects earliest resource availability.
• Task Cost — Fixed a bug that caused OmniPlan to fail to read task cost for tasks with fixed durations.
• Stability — Attempting to edit a value in the read-only Hierarchical Title column no longer triggers a crash.
• Stability — Fixed a crash that could occur when attempting to undo leveling.
• Stability — Addressed a crash computing critical path when a schedule recursion is encountered in projects that share resource loads.
• Stability — Fixed a bug that could cause OmniPlan to crash when opening a file with external dependencies.
• Stability — Selecting “Add Dependent” in the contextual menu no longer triggers a crash.
• Stability — Fixed a crash that could occur when outdenting a task that is part of a dependency loop.
• Stability — Fixed a bug that could cause OmniPlan to crash when using Help > Contact Omni to send in an anonymized file.
If you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email omniplan@omnigroup.com, call 1–800–315–6664 or 1–206–523–4152, or tweet @OmniPlan.

If OmniPlan empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniPlan and make them more productive too.

OmniPlan 3

Price Drop: Sit Ups (Healthcare & Fitness)


Sit Ups 1.1

Device: Mac OS
Category: Healthcare & Fitness
Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.1 (iTunes)


**Discount for a very limited time - if you like this application please rate it on App Store. If you have any suggestions please send me an email. Thanks!**

With this app you can perform your daily sit-ups exercises. If you want to get fit, slim or strengthen your legs this app is perfect for you. You can use predefined sets of repetitions or create your own. Then after starting application is guiding you thought the training with vocal instructions. If the duration of the repetition is too long or too short you can adjust it in settings.

Please note, that the only thing that is required in this workout is a general good state of health, especially of the heart, so it is recommended to consult with your doctor before attempting such a workout if you have any doubts. The developers of this application are not responsible for any injuries that may occur during this training.

If you have any suggestions how to improve this app please contact us using this mail address: rozga.wojtek@gmail.com

If you like it please rate it on App Store, thanks!!

What's New

- bug fixes

If you have any suggestions how to improve this app please contact us using this mail address: rozga.wojtek@gmail.com

If you like it please rate it on App Store, thanks!!

Sit Ups

Update: MindupPro:BigDataManagement (Productivity)


MindupPro:BigDataManagement 2.0.28

Device: Mac OS
Category: Productivity
Price: Free, Version: 2.0.27 -> 2.0.28 (iTunes)


MindUp.Pro is an efficient mind mapping App. It can help you focus on your target in fullscreen mode or cooperate with other software in split view mode, new function provided by OS X EI Capitan.

MindUp.Pro can present your contents just like keynote or powerpoint but in mind map style ( try to press ? on the keyboard after running the App ).

* Text/Image/Attachment/Math/Radial/Bracket/Sticker thought creation
* Multi_line thought breaks to single_line thoughts
* Merging thoughts to be a multi_line thought
* Import a map to be a branch of current focused thought
* Export the branch of current focused thought to a new map
* Bookmark/viewmark for fast moving of the cursor instead of only clicking on thought to set the cursor.
* Mark each node on screen in view mark mode by a char or a string , Then type the char or string and press 'return' key finally to move cursor to the thought with the typed mark char or string.
* Thought Attribute or SubText Attribute in a thought setting
* Export to PDF/PNG/JPG/SVG
* Export to tex file, which can be compiled by pdflatex or xelatex to generate a pdf file. It's very helpful in writing paper or book: preparing your manuscript by Mindup.Pro, exporting to latex file (including images and math equations), then generating the corresponding paper or book using latex or xelatex.
* Searching even if it's folded
* Load/Save map from/to MongoDB; Sync to MongoDB when opening a file if it's new; each operation synced to MongoDB.
* Presentation mode present contents as Keynote or PowerPoint but in MindMap way ( try ? after running the App )
* Multi_thought copy/paste among Tabs
* Ctrl_Shift_N connect/disconnect to MongoDB
* Ctrl_Command_v paste image from clipboard
* Ctrl_Shift_H/J/K/L select substring in editing mode
* Drill Up: show current selected thought with its children only by Command_d
* Undo/Redo ( Command_u/Command_r) : works on all necessary operations ( such as deletion, cut/paste, copy/paste, modification, property setting, thought creation, merge/split, etc)
* Click_Drag on a non-highlighted thought in view mode to move highlighted nodes or copy highlighted nodes by control key down or merge highlighted nodes to non-highlighted thought by shift key down
* Zoom in/out by shortcut z/Z on image dialog poped up by right click on image thought
* Ctrl_Command_f to fullscreen window; Shift_Command_f to maximized window

* Sticker Thought: a single thought floating over the map and sticking on window.
- Clicking on map blank area or pressing shortcut s in normal mode to create a new sticker thought.
- Delete by shortcut Shift_D.
- Modify by shortcut i.
- Move by mouse button click and drag, It will be set as a child of the node it is moved on if Key_Command is not pressed down when button released.
- Command_Ctrl_h to hide/show stickers

What's New

* Retina display support
* Open multi mindmap files selected from Finder if MindupPro is running


Update: CloudApp - Screen Recorder, GIF Maker, Screenshots (Productivity)


CloudApp - Screen Recorder, GIF Maker, Screenshots 4.2.4

Device: Mac OS
Category: Productivity
Price: Free, Version: 4.2.3 -> 4.2.4 (iTunes)


CloudApp is the world's leading visual communication platform. Create and share files, annotated screenshots, make GIFs, HD videos, screen recordings and screencasts on your Desktop — and upload them to the Cloud.

Drag a file to CloudApp or use our hotkey shortcuts to capture a screenshot, GIF, or HD screen-recording. A link to the file will automatically be copied to your clipboard that you can paste to Slack, Twitter, IM, email, or smoke signals.

"So simple that you use it without realizing it's there." — Tim Van Damme (Dropbox)

“CloudApp streamlines our sharing and communication. I no longer waste time trying to explain complex workflows or edits to be made, or get mired in file attachments. Instead I just constantly use CloudApp to capture, comment, and share via a handy link. CloudApp is indispensable to the efficiency of our business, and they’re fantastic to work with.” — Daniel Odio (ShareThis)

"CloudApp is extremely useful, beautiful, and so very simple. Exactly what you want in a utility." — Mark Jardine (Tapbots)

"CloudApp is file sharing the way it should be: simple and powerful with a handy keyboard shortcut integration that my fingers tend to stay glued to, all bundled into an elegant UI." — Brian Hoff (The Design Cubicle)

“Few apps come across my path that become instantly integrated into my workflow. Cloudapp is one of them. I honestly can't imagine using my computer without it. It's critical to the way I work.” — Mike Gowen (Delighted)

• Simple and easy interface that streamlines your sharing flow
• Drag and drop any file, link, screenshot, screen-recording, image, code-snippets, URL, video to get an automatically generated URL link copied to your clipboard, ready to be shared.
• Visual search to find what you’re looking for
• Share screenshots and screen-recordings using customized hotkey shortcuts for superior visual collaboration
• GIF and HD screen-recording with audio commenting (for HD) to clearly demonstrate complex workflows
• Record a webcam video-message for faster and more animated communication
• Share via email function for more seamless and straightforward sharing capabilities directly from the application
• Add annotations for visual feedback or emphasis
• Add comments on your drops to enable collaborative dialogue around your assets
• Get the global history of your drops along with the view-count and open-tracking
• Add a password to increase your drop’s privacy
• Use auto-destruction to set your drops to delete on a timed fuse and control your asset’s longevity
• Use a Custom Domain (eg. shorturl.co/XXXX) and your branding to make CloudApp an extension of you or your business
• Share assets using private or public links (built-in URL shortening!)
• Re-copy a link, delete or rename an asset from the menu-bar
• iOS app for CloudApp on the go
• External app support & integrations: Photoshop, Hipchat, Safari, Tweetbot, Slack, Skype, Maps, Notes, Finder, Safari, Sketch, TextMate, Terminal, Chrome and tons more.

• Free
• Rain: $10/month or $99/year
• Storm: $29/month or $300/year
• Hurricane: $79/month or $804/year

Pro subscriptions (Rain/Storm/Hurricane) will be charged through your iTunes account. Your subscription will automatically renew unless cancelled before the end of the current billing period, on a monthly or annual recurring basis depending on your plan. You can cancel at any time, but we are unable to issue refunds for any pay periods that have already been billed. Manage your subscriptions in the Account Settings after purchase. Terms: https://getcloudapp.com/terms

What's New

Some of our customers reported that the app was crashing when trying to capture GIFs or Videos when using the last version of CloudApp on macOS 10.11. This special release fixes that, plus...

- Click highlighting on GIFs works even when the click happens inside a CloudApp window.
- You can now Annotate more than one image/GIF at a time!
- Improved the app performance on slow internet connections.

CloudApp - Screen Recorder, GIF Maker, Screenshots

Update: Ivideon Client (Lifestyle)


Ivideon Client 6.3.3

Device: Mac OS
Category: Lifestyle
Price: Free, Version: 6.3.2 -> 6.3.3 (iTunes)


What is Ivideon Client?
Ivideon Client is an app you can use to watch archived videos and online feeds from the cameras hooked up to Ivideon’s cloud-based video surveillance service.

What is Ivideon?
Ivideon is an online video surveillance service that gives you eyes on the ground, lets you know when important events happen, and saves recordings of them in the cloud. Do you just need to hook up a few cameras to keep track of what’s going on at your house? Or does your business need hundreds or thousands of cameras in different cities and even countries? Then look no further!

Ivideon is perfect for video surveillance users no matter how many cameras they have.
• Enjoy high-quality videos complete with sound on any device.
• Store video locally and in the cloud, where it’s safer and more secure.
• Quickly find videos using our convenient timeline.
• Receive push and email notifications whenever there’s a suspicious sound or movement.
• Hook up an unlimited number of cameras.
• Set up camera access for other users.
• Watch high-quality videos even over a weak or 3G connection.
• Rest assured that your data is safe thanks to SSL encryption.
• Tell the world about what you do by embedding video in your website and sharing the link.

Oh, and by the way: we already have more than 1,500,000 users!
Why? Most existing video surveillance systems are tricky to set up and prohibitively expensive. The Ivideon engineering team made sure our service marries all the functionality you need in a professional video surveillance system to availability and ease of use.

What can Ivideon Client do on a Mac?
Watch online feeds and archived videos from wherever you are.
• Simple camera name search
• Quality control for videos as they’re being watched
• Full screen mode
• Fast video archive search by date
• Scalable timeline
• Fast-forward for archived videos
Organize how your camera feeds are laid out to make sure you stay organized.
• Simultaneous viewing of online feeds and archived videos
• Camera layout management
For Ivideon business accounts: manage camera groups however you want.
• Group cameras to match your organizational structure
• Give different employees and your security service access to different groups of cameras
• Delegate administration of your camera groups to your employees

Try Ivideon smart video surveillance right now for free!

What's New

• We corrected significant errors in video playback.
• Now an image from the camera can be stretched or cropped.
• Now you can easily go to your account from the app to export video from the cloud archive.
• Translations into Polish and Dutch have been added.
• The app’s stability has been improved.

Ivideon Client

Update: Router (Lifestyle)


Router 1.0.6

Device: Mac OS
Category: Lifestyle
Price: Free, Version: 1.0.5 -> 1.0.6 (iTunes)


Router makes viewing .GPX, .TCX, .KML, .FIT, and Pioneer .DB route files on your Mac a snap.

What's New

- Toolbar item to open starting pointing in Apple Maps
- Even more better TCX, KML, and GPX parsing
- Preferences for Apple Maps or Google Maps and units of measurement (Imperial/Metric)


Update: Rejex (Developer Tools)


Rejex 1.4

Device: Mac OS
Category: Developer Tools
Price: Free, Version: 1.3 -> 1.4 (iTunes)


Rejex is a ultra-light-weight tool to learn, practice and test Regular Expressions. It offers immediate visual match result for each regex pattern you entered. And you can also customize sample text for more accurate match test.

What's New

- refined UI & UX;


Update: VSee (Business)


VSee 3.6.1

Device: Mac OS
Category: Business
Price: Free, Version: 3.6 -> 3.6.1 (iTunes)


VSee gives you free group video calls, screen sharing and instant messaging, with a clean interface. Use VSee for secure, low-bandwidth calls on 3G, 4G, and WiFi networks.


• Group Video Chat: see everyone at once
• Screen Sharing: view the apps and desktops that other users share from their Macs and PCs.
• Drag-and-drop file transfer
• Instant Messaging and Group Chat
• API for integrating with Telehealth and other applications
• No Ads!
• Works on WiFi and slower networks including 4G and 3G
• iOS app available on iPhone and iPad (see below for more info)
• Low bandwidth: conserves data usage
• Calls are encrypted end-to-end for absolutely no eavesdropping
• Use multiple auxiliary cameras at once

VSee serves organizations around the world including IBM, Shell, the US Congress and hundreds of small and medium-sized businesses.

"We use video where security, performance, and ease of use are absolute requirements. VSee is unmatched by any other tool on the market." -- Michael Helfrich, CEO of Blueforce Development

"I travel 90% of the time ... VSee lets me connect to my customers no matter where I am. The video is stunning even over 3G." -- Dan Engle, CEO of AccessAgility

"When visiting refugee camps in the most remote places around the world, VSee provides great audio and video every time." -- Greg Millar, UN Refugee Agency (used VSee to share the trials of refugees in Central Africa with people around the world)

Built on years of experience, VSee brings people together to work over video. Rely on this simple and secure tool for business and for personal use.

VSee also works on the iPhone, iPad, and PC. Group video calls, screen sharing, and instant messaging work between Mac, iPhone, iPad and PC. File transfer works between Mac and PC.

Note, an account is required to use VSee. Signup is free and easy, and can be initiated from within the app. You can also use your existing VSee account.

Learn more at vsee.com
Feedback and support: support@vsee.com
Like us at facebook.com/VSee
Follow us on Twitter @VSee

What's New

• Priority message: allow user to send special messages which need to be acknowledged by receiver in order stop the alert.
• Fixed chat notification for self when login on multiple devices.
• Fixed crash on re-login.


Price Drop: One Cloud Backup (Utilities)


One Cloud Backup 1.0.3

Device: Mac OS
Category: Utilities
Price: $3.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0.3 (iTunes)


*** For best experience we recommend installing DiskKeeper Pro first. http://diskkeeperpro.devotion8.com ***

One Cloud Backup is a backup utility that uses Dropbox and/or Box cloud services to backup your data.

With One Cloud Backup you can backup the most critical data of your computer such as:
- Documents
- Pictures
- Music
- Movies
- Downloads
- Custom items of your choice

Supports two cloud services so far:
- Dropbox
- Box

Restore with one click and a lot of options, automatically:
- make backup(s) on your local content and restore
- restore only those items that don't exist on you computer (merge) (good for syncing multiple computers)
- replace your local items with the backup ones (good for updating multiple computers)

Every time you create a backup the old one is stored so you can easily access older versions of your files by date.
Older versions are easy to delete so you can free up disk space.

You can easily browse your backups and interact with their content.

What's New

Minor sync algorithm update.

One Cloud Backup

New: 3B Reviews (Business)


3B Reviews 3.0.2

Device: Mac OS
Category: Business
Price: Free, Version: 3.0.2 (iTunes)


The 3B app empowers accredited businesses to request customer reviews at the point of service. From the 3B app, customers receive a text and submit their review directly to the participating Better Business Bureaus for verification. Getting online BBB customer reviews is as easy as sending a text message.

App Features:
• Captures reviews through text messages
• Submits customer reviews directly to participating Better Business Bureaus

In order to use this application, qualifying accredited businesses will need to enroll to secure a device key.

3B Reviews

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