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Update: PDFelement 6 - Read, Edit, Annotate & Sign PDF (Productivity)


PDFelement 6 - Read, Edit, Annotate & Sign PDF 6.1.0

Device: Mac OS
Category: Productivity
Price: Free, Version: 6.0.5 -> 6.1.0 (iTunes)


FREE Trial before you buy!
PDFelement: the No.1 Alternative to Acrobat on Mac.

A comprehensive PDF toolset = PDF Editor + PDF Annotator + PDF Converter + PDF Reader + PDF Creator + Form Filler/Creator, and much more.

The all-new redesigned PDFelement 6 has everything you need to work with PDFs. It is the most powerful and simple PDF solution that will change the way you work with your important documents forever.

Key Features:
√ PDF Editor
- Edit, delete, cut, copy, paste, and insert text and images in PDFs.
- Change font attributes (type, size and style, alignment).
- Insert, update or remove custom watermarks and backgrounds.
- Insert, update or remove headers and footers (including page numbering and date).
- Insert and edit hyperlinks.
- Support searching and replacing operations on text content.

√ Markup & Annotate PDF
- Add comment, sticky note, text box, text call-out, stamps, add/edit links, freehand drawing.
- Highlight, underline or strike through context.
- Create and manage library of prebuilt and custom stamps.

√ Create & Edit Forms
- Fill PDF forms.
- Create fillable PDF Forms from interactive field objects, such as buttons, check boxes, radio buttons, list boxes, and drop-down lists.
- Access to collection of prebuilt, customizable fillable forms.
- Support creating, editing, and adding digital signature on PDF.

√ PDF Converter
- Support output formats: Word, Excel, PPT, and image formats (.docx, .xlsx, .pptx, .jpg, .png, .gif, .bmp).
Maintain text, images, graphs, fonts, and embedded elements with original layout after conversion.

√ Page Management
- Manage pages in a document (reorganize, insert, extract, crop, rotate, and delete pages).

√ Create & Combine PDF
- Support input format: pdf/html/webarchive/rtf/txt/jpeg/jpg/png/bmp/gif.
- Combine different format files into a new PDF.
- The files created by PDFelement are 100% compatible and accessible with Adobe Reader and other PDF readers.

√ Secure & Share PDF
- Set a password to protect PDF from being opened by unauthorized users.
- Apply Permissions. Restrict users' access to PDF printing, copying, editing, and extracting by setting permissions for your document.
- Send PDF as email attachment.
- Support printing and emailing the edited PDF directly.
- Save your PDF files to popular cloud storage services (Google Drive, Dropbox and Evernote).

Also supported unlock PDFelement 6 trial limit via In-App Purchase, including:
- No trial watermark added when saving or printing.
- No page count limit for PDF conversion.

Need HELP? Let us know, we are here to help!
Email: pdfelement@wondershare.com
Support Center: http://support.wondershare.com
Forum: http://forum.pdf.wondershare.com
Official Website: https://pdf.wondershare.com
Facebook: @PDFelement

If you experience any problems with our product, please do not hesitate to contact us directly through the above links. If you think this app is helpful and like it, your positive review in the App Store would be much appreciated. Thank you for using PDFelement.

What's New

- Now support creating, editing, and adding digital signature on PDF.
- Added the option in form setting which allows users to show or hide the form field in the printing output.
- Now you can perform Search and Replace operations on text content.
- Greatly improved the overall results for converting PDFs to other formats, the performance is now much more stable and reliable.
- Support adjusting the opacity level of stamp and signature objects.
- Corrections and improvements on many small details.

PDFelement 6 - Read, Edit, Annotate & Sign PDF

Update: PDFelement 6 Pro - Edit, Convert, Create & OCR PDF (Productivity)


PDFelement 6 Pro - Edit, Convert, Create & OCR PDF 6.1.0

Device: Mac OS
Category: Productivity
Price: Free, Version: 6.0.5 -> 6.1.0 (iTunes)


FREE Trial before you buy!
PDFelement: the No.1 Alternative to Acrobat on Mac.

A comprehensive PDF toolset = PDF Editor + PDF Annotator + PDF Converter + PDF Reader + PDF Creator + Form Filler/Creator + OCR + Data Extraction + batch operations, and much more.

The all-new redesigned PDFelement 6 Professional has everything you need to work with PDFs. Now specifically built for SMBs with intuitive, simple, and powerful PDF solutions.

Key Features:
√ PDF Editor
- Edit, delete, cut, copy, paste, and insert text and images in PDFs.
- Change font attributes (type, size and style, alignment).
- Insert, update or remove custom watermarks and backgrounds.
- Apply Bates Numbering with advanced formatting. (Exclusive!)
- Insert, update or remove headers and footers (including page numbering and date).
- Insert and edit hyperlinks.

√ Markup & Annotate PDF
- Add comment, sticky note, text box, text call-out, stamps, add/edit links, freehand drawing.
- Highlight, underline or strike through context.
- Create and manage library of prebuilt and custom stamps.

√ Create & Edit Forms
- Fill PDF forms.
- Automatic form creation with Auto Form Field Recognition.
- Create fillable PDF Forms from interactive field objects, such as buttons, check boxes, radio buttons, list boxes, and drop-down lists.
- Access to collection of prebuilt, customizable fillable forms.
- Support creating, editing, and adding digital signature on PDF.

√ Data Extraction (Exclusive!)
- Automatic data extraction from digital and scanned PDF forms.
- Batch data extraction from digital and scanned PDF forms into CSV spreadsheet.
- Label and extract data from selected form fields of scanned PDF.
- Export or import form data to/from PDF format.

√ OCR (Exclusive!)
- OCR (Optical Character Recognition)enables you to edit and convert characters in scanned PDF files or pictures.
- OCR helps extract data from scanned PDF forms or invoices.

√ PDF/A (Exclusive!)
- Support PDF/A as an available output format with ISO Standard for long term archiving.

√ PDF Converter
- Besides normal output formats including Word, Excel, PPT and Image which are supported in Standard version, Pro version supports converting PDF file to more formats like EPUB, HTML, Text, RTF.
- Convert scanned PDF to editable and searchable document with OCR technology.
- Maintain text, images, graphs, fonts, and embedded elements with original layout after conversion.

√ Page Management
- Manage pages in a document (reorganize, insert, extract, crop, rotate, and delete pages).

√ Create & Combine PDF
- Support input format: pdf/html/webarchive/rtf/txt/jpeg/jpg/png/bmp/gif.
- Combine different format files into a new PDF.
- The files created by PDFelement are 100% compatible and accessible with Adobe Reader and other PDF readers.

√ Secure & Share PDF
- Set a password to protect PDF from being opened by unauthorized users.
- Apply Permissions. Restrict users' access to PDF printing, copying, editing, and extracting by setting permissions for your document.
- Redact sensitive text and images in PDFs.(Exclusive!)
- Send PDF as email attachment.
- Support printing and emailing the edited PDF directly.
- Save your PDF files to popular cloud storage services (Google Drive, Dropbox and Evernote).

Also supported unlock PDFelement 6 Pro trial limit via In-App Purchase, including:
- No trial watermark added when saving or printing.
- No page count limit for PDF conversion.
- No document count limit for batch operations.
- Support OCR function.

Need HELP? Let us know, we are here to help!
Email: pdfelement@wondershare.com
Support Center: http://support.wondershare.com
Forum: http://forum.pdf.wondershare.com
Official Website: https://pdf.wondershare.com
Facebook: @PDFelement

If you think this app is helpful and like it, your positive review in the App Store would be much appreciated. Thank you for using PDFelement.

What's New

- Now Support PDF/A as an available output format with ISO Standard for long term archiving.
- OCR engine upgraded: the recognition speed and memory usage performance has been greatly improved.
- Now support creating, editing, and adding digital signature on PDF.
- Added the option in form setting which allows users to show or hide the form field content in the printing output.
- Now you can perform Search and Replace operations on text content.
- Greatly improved the overall results for converting PDFs to other formats, the performance is now much more stable and reliable.
- Support adjusting the opacity level of stamp and signature objects.
- Corrections and improvements on many small details.

PDFelement 6 Pro - Edit, Convert, Create & OCR PDF

Update: FakturaLight (Business)


FakturaLight 6.1.2

Device: Mac OS
Category: Business
Price: Free, Version: 6.1.1 -> 6.1.2 (iTunes)


FakturaLight to nowoczesny program do wystawiania faktur VAT. Aplikacja działa bardzo szybko oraz posiada intuicyjny interfejs, dzięki czemu wystawisz fakturę nawet w 30 sekund.

Najważniejsze cechy programu:

- Obsługa wszystkich podstawowych dokumentów sprzedaży: faktura VAT, Proforma, marża, MK, zaliczkowa i końcowa, korekta.
- Obsługa Jednolitego Pliku Kontrolnego (JPK).
- Wystawianie faktur VAT z Proformy, a także klonowanie, czyli wystawianie dowolnej faktury na podstawie już istniejącej.
- Wystawianie faktur w walutach obcych z obliczaniem podatku w PLN.
- Automatyczne pobieranie kursu waluty z NBP na odpowiedni dzień poprzedzający datę wystawienia faktury z uwzględnieniem świąt i dni wolnych od pracy.
- Automatyczne pobieranie danych kontrahenta z bazy GUS na podstawie NIPu, szybko i wygodnie, bez wpisywania żadnych kodów z obrazków.
- Kartoteka kontrahentów tworzona ręcznie lub automatycznie podczas wystawiania faktur dla nowych klientów.
- Kartoteka produktów z możliwością ustalania m.in. waluty i rabatów procentowych oraz kwotowych.
- Obsługa zamówień.
- Oprócz drukowania, możliwość zapisu faktury do pliku PDF lub bezpośredniego wysłania emailem w załączniku za pomocą wbudowanego w program klienta poczty.
- Seryjne drukowanie, zapisywanie do PDF lub wysyłanie emailem wielu faktur na raz.
- Bardzo szybkie sortowanie oraz filtrowanie faktur i zamówień, optymalizowane do pracy nawet z milionem rekordów.
- Błyskawiczne wystawianie faktur dla klienta znajdującego się w bazie dzięki automatycznego podpowiadaniu danych oraz braku wymogu wcześniejszego dodawania produktu lub usługi do kartoteki.
- Możliwość definiowania dowolnej numeracji faktur, zarówno miesięcznej jak i rocznej.
- Pełna dowolność ustalania kolejnego numeru faktury.
- Obsługa firm zwolnionych z podatku VAT.
- Dowolna metoda liczenia podatku VAT: od ceny netto, brutto, dla każdej pozycji na fakturze osobno.
- Możliwość dodania loga firmy do drukowanych dokumentów oraz dowolnego ustalenia wyglądu stopki.
- Automatyczne wypełnianie miasta na podstawie kodu pocztowego podczas wystawiania faktury.
- Możliwość definiowania metod płatności wraz z ustalaniem domyślnego terminu płatności (w dniach) dla każdej z nich.
- Pozwala wykonać niemal każdą akcję (edycja/usuwanie starych faktur, niekonsekwentna numeracja, nieprawidłowe dane, itp.) na własną odpowiedzialność z ewentualnym ostrzeżeniem.

Darmowa wersja programu dodaje znak wodny do wydruków, który znika po wykupieniu płatnej subskrypcji z poziomu aplikacji. Subskrypcja trwa 1 rok i nie jest automatycznie odnawiana.

FakturaLight is modern, fast and intuitive invoice app for small and medium Polish companies.
It contains an in-app purchase product (subscription) which removes watermark on prints. Subscription length is 1 year and is not renewable.

Terms of use (warunki użytkowania): https://fakturalight.pl/terms-of-use
Privacy policy (polity prywatności): https://fakturalight.pl/privacy-policy

What's New

Poprawione wyświetlanie waluty podczas zakupu pełnej wersji.


Update: Phiewer - Image Viewer for Photos, Videos & Audio (Photography)


Phiewer - Image Viewer for Photos, Videos & Audio 1.3.1

Device: Mac OS
Category: Photography
Price: Free, Version: 1.2.1 -> 1.3.1 (iTunes)


Phiewer - The standard media viewer for Mac.
Phiewer is the easiest and fastest way to view your images, videos and even audio files. It's folder based so you can just browse your media in one window without any extra clicking and selecting...

*** Fast and Responsive User Interface ***
It's incredibly fast and responsive, your media fits fluidly right into your viewport, of course also in fullscreen mode.

*** Quick Controls ***
A simple controls panel and lots of shortcuts for browsing, rotating, play/pause, toggle fullscreen, toggle info panel and much more is built right in. And hey, it's also possible to rotate videos.

*** File Information / Exif Data Viewer ***
For any of your media you can toggle the info panel to see detailed information and Exif data for example.

*** Stunning Effects ***
Backdrop ambience is a stunning viewing effect. It turns the whole interface background into a blurred ambience like you may have seen in lots of videos on the web.

*** And the Best... ***
...it even plays animated gifs, YEAH! :-)

*** Supported Formats ***
Images: png, jpg, jpeg, bmp, gif, tiff
Videos: mp4, m4v, m4u, m4a, mov, mkv
Audio: opus, weba, webm, ogg, ogv, ogm, oga, wav, mp3, flac


What's New

- Added theme design and theme switching function for dark mode and light mode
- Added slider to adjust thumbnail size
- Added file names to thumbs with switching on/off function
- Added thumbs Item count
- Clustered all panel sections in toggle containers
- Added animation to app startscreen
- Added support section to menu dialog: Subscribe, Visit support website, Visit phiewer.com
- Added quicktip texts to some icons
- Fixed a bug to prevent opening fullscreen when double clicking on audio controls
- Added new shortcuts for toggle thumbs & settings
- Added shortcut support for numpad keys
- Several UI design improvements and bugfixes

Phiewer - Image Viewer for Photos, Videos & Audio

Update: VPN Connect World (Utilities)


VPN Connect World 1.1

Device: Mac OS
Category: Utilities
Price: Free, Version: 1.0 -> 1.1 (iTunes)


Do not need to register, do not collect your privacy information.
Security & anonymity with secure connection between your device and Internet
This App work on two mode:
World mode:
Get you access whole Internet whatever where you are.
China Mode:
Get you access China Internet faster whatever where you are

We want to solve your problem, please send email to inquiry@vv.com.my, if you write commit in APP Store, we are sorry that we can not reply you.


-Unlimited access for 7 days
-Unlimited access for One Month
-Unlimited access for Six Month
-Unlimited access for One Year


Price may vary by location.Subscriptions will be charged to your credit card through your iTunes account. Your subscription will automatically renew unless canceled at least 24 hours before the end of current period. Manage your subscriptions in Account Settings after purchase

Privacy Policy: https://vv.com.my/apps/pp
Terms and Conditions: https://vv.com.my/apps/tu

What's New

Surport China Mode

VPN Connect World

Update: Router (Lifestyle)


Router 1.1.1

Device: Mac OS
Category: Lifestyle
Price: Free, Version: 1.1 -> 1.1.1 (iTunes)


Router makes viewing & editing .GPX, .TCX, .KML, .FIT, and Pioneer .DB route files on your Mac a snap.

What's New

- Improved Pioneer .DB parsing
- Crop the beginning/end of a route
- Add support for OpenStreetMap
- Select columns to delete trackpoint attributes (other than location/elevation)


Update: Movie Thumbnails Maker Free (Video)


Movie Thumbnails Maker Free 2.3.0

Device: Mac OS
Category: Video
Price: Free, Version: 2.2.0 -> 2.3.0 (iTunes)


Want to catch the content of the latest movies at the first time? How about creating an amazing overview for all the latest movies? Movie Thumbnail Maker is the all-in-one solution, you don't need guess the content of the movie any more.

Key Features:
1、Support various formats such as AVI, WMV, RM, MPG, TS, MKV, MOV, FLV, MP4, RMVB, etc;
2、Fast and easy to use, you can get the amazing overview with one click;
3、Custom settings for background color,border color, position of metadata​,etc;
4、Batch process several movie files at onece, with one setting for each movie;
5、Various output image formats such as BMP, PNG, TIFF,JPEG;

What's New

bug fixes!

Movie Thumbnails Maker Free

Update: StoryIdea (Entertainment)



Device: Mac OS
Category: Entertainment
Price: Free, Version: 2.0.2 -> (iTunes)


Ever have difficulty coming up with a story idea ?
This random story idea generator will help by looking at new combinations and different things that you may not have thought of yet.

What's New

The randomization of options have been optimized so there should be no repeated options until all of them have cycled through.
There are now more options for each section but this update was mainly for the randomization optimization.
Get Writing!


New: MiX16 GO (Music)


MiX16 GO 3.2.2

Device: Mac OS
Category: Music
Price: Free, Version: 3.2.2 (iTunes)


Introducing MiX16 GO, a free version of MiX16 PRO.

Created by a professional theatre sound engineer.

Used by theatre engineers, stage managers, live show producers, choreographers, magicians, puppeteers, cruise ship comedians, school teachers and many more all over the world.

MiX16 GO Theatre Show System is a Mac OSX application for professional audio and video support in a theatre show or live performance.

Key Features:
- 64 audio, video and image channels,
- play all audio, video and image channels simultaneously,
- adjust volume, fade-in and fade-out for each audio and video channel,
- adjust master audio volume for all audio and video channels,
- select audio output device for each audio and video channel (using USB or FireWire multichannel audio interface),
- play video or image on external display such as monitor, TV or LCD projector,
- loop audio and video channels,
- image slide show,
- KEYBOARD - control the app with keyboard,
- MIDI IN/OUT – control the app with MIDI controller; control other apps and MIDI devices with the app,
- PLAYLIST - create audio, video and image cues and control your show with a single button.

Missing in GO version:
- load and save audio, video and image channels settings (create setup file for each performance),
- import and export setup (to use it on another computer or on iPad - iMiX16 PRO64).

Combination of multiple audio, video and image players gives you almost unlimited support in your theatre show or live performance.

MiX16 GO

Price Drop: Handwriting Fonts (Graphics & Design)


Handwriting Fonts 1.21

Device: Mac OS
Category: Graphics & Design
Price: $4.99 -> Free, Version: 1.21 (iTunes)


>>> EXCEPTIONAL : FREE for a limited time <<<

12 fonts created from real handwriting to produce documents that look and feel as if they had been written manually.

8 of these fonts are everyday script taken from real contemporary handwriting, perfect for memos, envelopes, letters, etc. 4 fonts represent the best in English round copperplate quill writing, taken from a calligrapher work, great for formal text such as invitations, postcards, weddings, menus, poetry, inspirational phrases, etc.

See each font, play with it and install it immediately to use with any Macintosh application.

What's New

Support for macOS Sierra
Retina support
Activation/deactivation of all fonts in one click

Handwriting Fonts

Price Drop: Responsive Photo Grid - Image Gallery Maker (Graphics & Design)


Responsive Photo Grid - Image Gallery Maker 2.70.1

Device: Mac OS
Category: Graphics & Design
Price: $4.99 -> Free, Version: 2.70.1 (iTunes)


Web gallery designer built exclusively for Mac. Create amazing lightbox photo galleries.

"Responsive Photo Grid is an elegant photo gallery maker... It's simple enough for average photo takers to use, but sufficiently professional for advanced photographers and web designers." - Tera Talks Review

Search and index
Efficiently searches any input folder for photo files. Options to include image file name as well as file time stamp in gallery index.

Responsive gallery
Integrated with the Bootstrap framework to create mobile friendly responsive photo galleries

Multi-page navigation
Divides large galleries into multiple page albums with built-in navigation menu.

Online ready
Auto generates galleries based on user selected photo folder, zero manual coding required. Generates HTML files with image folders, ready for publishing online.

Check out demos and learn more about this app at http://photogrid.aidaluu.com

What's New

- improvements for gallery generation
- minor bug fixes

Responsive Photo Grid - Image Gallery Maker

Update: Ready Maker (Education)


Ready Maker 2.5.12

Device: Mac OS
Category: Education
Price: Free, Version: 2.5.11 -> 2.5.12 (iTunes)


Ready is an open-ended software creator that teaches you to create games, apps, and software without any previous coding experience.

Afraid of coding but want to learn? Then Ready is for you. Built on Unity3D - a professional game engine - Ready designed to teach you how to “think in code” through an accessible visual interface. Your projects can then be played on iPad, Mac, and PC.

Choose from a library of hundreds of objects, programmatic behaviors like “bullet” and “tilt to move”, along with special effects. Coding becomes simple-- “WHEN this happens, DO this”-- accessible to just about anyone. And if you already know how to code, push the app to its limits and make some awesome “ready made” scenes to show off. You’ll be amazed at how much fun Ready is.

Come build and explore new worlds!

Are you Ready?

About the Ready Maker Account Subscription Option

You may chose to subscribe to a Ready Maker Account. This will give you the ability to upload your own custom assets to your Ready Maker projects, save those projects, and share them with the world. If you opt not to subscribe, you will still enjoy access to the app, but you'll be limited to using the stock objects that come pre-installed in the Library.

If you chose to subscribe to a Ready Maker Account, which is optional, your subscription will have the following characteristics:

- The subscription price is $6.99 a month. Payment will be charged to your iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase.

- Your subscription is valid for a month. Subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period.

- You will be charged $6.99 for renewal within 24-hours prior to the end of the current period for your next month of service.

- You can manage your subscription and turn off auto-renewal by going to your Account Settings after purchase.

- No cancellation of the current subscription is allowed during active subscription period.

- Any unused portion of a free trial period, if offered, will be forfeited when the you purchase a Ready Maker Account subscription.

- Our privacy policy can be found at:

- Our terms of use are at:

What's New

Basic (free) users now have permission to upload assets. You can now upload your own images, and share your custom projects with the world! Tap “Create New” then “+” to add an object and “Upload Artwork” to select your own image. Happy making!

Deeper integration with Arduino: Ready detects board compatibility and automatically prepares your board directly from the app, and has more fine-grained voltage controls for controlling Arduino motors.

Ready Maker

Price Drop: Smart Recorder - The Voice Recorder (Business)


Smart Recorder - The Voice Recorder 3.2

Device: Mac OS
Category: Business
Price: $8.99 -> Free, Version: 3.2 (iTunes)


Smart Recorder is a full featured audio recorder. It is ideal for recording classes, meetings, memos, lectures, to do lists and even your kids. It allows the typing of textual notes as time based tags while recording. During playback, you can change the speed to quickly skim through less interesting pieces of a meeting. iCloud allows you to easily exchange recordings with Smart Recorder on iOS.

•Time based tags allow you to quickly jump back to important portions of a recording.
•Auto pause suspends recording when there is no sound. Recording starts again when talking resumes—perfect for conference room meetings.
•Multi speed playback allows you to skim uninteresting conversations quickly.
•A forward arrow skips 30 seconds of the recording.
•A back button allows you to repeat the last 30 seconds of the recording.
•You can append to existing recordings.
•A slider allows you to quickly navigate to any part of a long recording.
•Smart Recorder provides an export function that creates an HTML file with your tags and an audio file of a format of your choosing. (Use the preference window to change the format).

Smart recorder provides a rich set of system settings to control its behavior:

•There is a setting that controls the number of seconds the forward and back buttons move you if 30 seconds is not appropriate.
•The sampling rate can be set anywhere between 8000-44,100Hz. A lower sampling rate saves disk space while a higher rate gives better audio quality.
•You can set the noise (or quietness) threshold at which auto pause activates.

What's New

Fixed compatibility issues for the upcoming release of Smart Recorder 7.

Smart Recorder - The Voice Recorder

Update: TranslateQ (Utilities)


TranslateQ 3.0.4

Device: Mac OS
Category: Utilities
Price: Free, Version: 3.0.3 -> 3.0.4 (iTunes)


Online translator.
Keyboard Shortcuts.
Services : Google , Microsoft , Yandex , Promt , Babylon.
App have a button to save the translation to clipboard.

Internet connection is required.
To activate "TranslateQ", open System Preferences > Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts > Services and check the "TranslateQ” option.

What's New

Increased speed of translation .


Update: System Designer (Developer Tools)


System Designer 1.9.8

Device: Mac OS
Category: Developer Tools
Price: Free, Version: 1.9.7 -> 1.9.8 (iTunes)


System Designer is an IDE for designing JavaScript applications driven by the model.

No matter the frameworks you use and the code you write, the most important is the model that you define to create your application. System Designer helps you to design this model and to generate the classes and components to build your application.


If you look at the different JavaScript frameworks on the market, you will notice that they all have their own way to define a model, generally only with code.

System Designer uses UML, a standard, to define your model. So you probably already know how to create a model in System Designer even if you have never run it.

The definition of the model is stored on a JSON format called MSON. With MSON you can define types, classes, one to one / one to many relationships and multi inheritance between classes.


Once you have created your model, System Designer generates the skeletons of all your methods. You only have then to add your code to implement them.

System Designer provides you helpers to manage your components. You can easily navigate threw your components to create your application.


There is no need to code to instantiate a component. Create a component in System Designer is like creating a document in a NoSQL Database.

In fact, System Designer acts as an ODM (Object-Document Mapper) to manage your components as NoSQL Documents.


You can run your application directly from System Designer and then export it to JavaScript, HTML, JSON or a Node.js module.

Because you have defined a model for your application, a Dynamic Type Check is done on every action of your application. All warnings are send and shown in System Designer.


System Designer can load the model of any application that runs on the browser or on Node.js. You can see the schemas, models, components and methods of the running application and you can edit them.

All modifications to the model done inside System Designer will be send to the running application. There is no need to reload to see your modifications.


System Designer can be used on macOS, iPhone, iPad or any browsers. You can also install it in your project: System Designer requires no backend to work, it is a full web application.

System Designer has a Github module to synchronize your work between all these apps. You can begin your design on your Mac and then continue it on your iPad.

What's New

- Stability and performance improvements

System Designer

Update: Pollution Monitor (Healthcare & Fitness)


Pollution Monitor 1.1.3

Device: Mac OS
Category: Healthcare & Fitness
Price: Free, Version: 1.1.2 -> 1.1.3 (iTunes)


Pollution Monitor is a Mac app that provides live pollution readings for your city, right in your status bar.

This release features live data for the top 10 cities in China:

- Beijing
- Shanghai
- Guangzhou
- Shenzhen
- Tianjin
- Hong Kong
- Dongguan
- Hangzhou
- Chengdu
- Haerbin

- London, UK
- Mumbai, India
- New Delhi, India

More cities will be added in a future release.

All data provided by the World Air Quality Index Project (http://waqi.info/) and additional info about the selected city's Environmental Protection Agency is available via a web link from app.

What's New

Worked around aqicn.org SSL certificate expiring. The app should be working again after this update.

Pollution Monitor

Price Drop: Aiseesoft DVD Creator (Video)


Aiseesoft DVD Creator 5.2.27

Device: Mac OS
Category: Video
Price: $19.99 -> Free, Version: 5.2.27 (iTunes)


Time-limited special offer- Official price:$25, now only $19.99!

If you want to burn MP4 to DVD and create personalized DVD menus, try this magic DVD maker!

Key Features:
. Easily and quickly convert any video to DVD and create DVD disc
. Create ISO file or DVD folder from various formats of videos
. Choose and customize DVD menus
. Create switchable subtitles and audio tracks

Aiseesoft DVD Creator lets you easily convert any video to DVD, like MKV to DVD, AVI to DVD, MOV to DVD, etc. And it burns video to a DVD disc that can be played on any home DVD player. It gives you lightning fast creating speed. With this DVD burner, you can directly burn videos to DVD disc. It supports all popular DVD types, including DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RW, DVD+RW, DVD+R DL, and DVD-R DL. Also, you can convert videos to ISO file or DVD folder for later use.

In addition, this DVD burner provides you abundant DVD menu templates for you to choose. You can also personalize your own DVD menu by changing the menu frame, button and text or adding background picture, background music and opening film. Certainly, you can choose not to create DVD menu.

Furthermore, this DVD burning software allows you to customize subtitle and audio track. That is to say, you can add subtitles/audio tracks to DVD, modify audio encoder/bitrate/channels, adjust the subtitle position/font/size/color, make the audio track sync with the image of video and make the subtitle sync with the audio track.

So just try this magic DVD creator for mac freely, you can get more surprise!

Input Video Format:
*.ts, *.mts, *.m2ts, *.trp, *.tp, *.mpg, *.mpeg, *.mpeg2, *.dat, *.mp4, *.m4v, *.rm, *.rmvb, *.wmv, *.asf, *.mkv, *.avi, *.3gp, *.3g2, *.flv, *.swf, *.f4v, *.mpv, *.mod, *.tod, *.qt, *.mov, *.dv, *.dif, *.mjpg, *.mjpeg

Output DVD:
DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RW, DVD+RW, DVD+R DL, and DVD-R DL; DVD disc; DVD folder; ISO file.

If you have any question, please contact us via macsupport@aiseesoft.com.

What's New

1. Fixed some bugs
2. More stable when converting movie to DVD.

Aiseesoft DVD Creator

Update: 今目标 (Business)


今目标 3.7.0

Device: Mac OS
Category: Business
Price: Free, Version: 3.6.2 -> 3.7.0 (iTunes)



今目标Mac版是专为OS X系统开发的客户端软件。

1) 支持显示组织结构、友好企业、自定义组、在线用户;
2) 支持查看员工资料、企业资料;
3) 支持使用文字、语音、图片、文档、位置等沟通方式;
4) 支持企业群;
5) 支持企业文件及点对点的文件传输功能;
6) 支持一对一会话、多人会话和广播消息功能;
7) 支持今目标平台提醒消息的接收和显示;
8) 支持本地消息记录查询功能;
9) 支持会话记录漫游功能;
10) 支持考勤打卡、工作日志的提醒功能;

What's New



Update: SimBooster (Utilities)


SimBooster 2.9.6

Device: Mac OS
Category: Utilities
Price: Free, Version: 2.9.5 -> 2.9.6 (iTunes)


New design for SimBooster 2

The Simple Way to Speed Up Your Mac!

SimBooster is an all-in-one package that includes a variety of system tools to help you clean and protect your Mac.
For slow Macs, SimBooster can release RAM to increase the processing speed. It can also help users protect their personal data from malicious cookies. Users who suffer from small hard drive space, SimBooster can clean trash, logs, and cache files to free up hard drive space. Its Duplicates and Old Files Finder can further clean up more space for users. Additionally, SimBooster can clean temporary files of web browser and get rid of unwanted apps or files.

Key Feature:

System Cleanup
SimBooster scans your system for the 8 different types of junk.

Photo Sweeper
Finding and grouping similars, providing different comparison methods.

iTunes Junk Cleanup
Use SimBooster to clean unwanted iOS Device backups, Applications, Software Updates, and Broken Downloads.

Adware Cleanup
SimBooster Makes it easy to remove all adwares and protect your web browser .

Privacy Cleanup
Use SimBooster to clean temporary files of web page to protect personal privacy frequently. It can also free valuable disk space to speed up your browser.

Reclaim more disk space by using our Uninstaller to seek out and remove application related files instead of simply dragging an application to the Trash.

Duplicates Finder
Find identical files quickly and accurately. Smart algorithm is used to help users select unneeded duplicate files and remove them, meanwhile will making sure that at least one instance of each file will be kept safe.

Large Files Finder
Find all those huge files you’d completely forgotten about and remove the ones you no longer need.

You can delete unwanted files permanently. No one can retrieve your confidential information even if they use your Mac.

Startup Optimization
Manage your startup items to optimize the OS X boot speed.

Memory Cleaner
Clean to regain more available RAM and make applications start faster.

What's New

1.Some parts of the UI have been optimized
2.Some bugs have been modified
3.Exception list has been added to setting module


New: Switcher Cast (Video)


Switcher Cast 1.4.0

Device: Mac OS
Category: Video
Price: Free, Version: 1.4.0 (iTunes)


Switcher Cast is a desktop tool for MAC that allows your computer screen to appear as a source in the Switcher Studio iOS app.

With Switcher Cast installed, Switcher Studio can show anything that happens on your computer, whether it’s PowerPoint, Keynote, documents, websites, YouTube videos, etc.

To get started, connect your computer to the same WiFi network as the other devices and launch the Mac screen-sharing app, SwitcherCast.

Switcher Cast

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